Pólemos. Materials of philosophy and social criticism (ISSN: 2281-9517) has started its publication in 2006 upon inspiration of Professor Paolo Vinci (Department of Philosophy, Sapienza – University of Rome). With the active work of young scholars, researchers and students, we have published important contributions from well-known scholars, such as Slavoj Žižek, Axel Honneth, Mario Tronti, Christoph Türcke, Christoph Asmuth, Bernard Stiegler, and Giorgio Agamben. Over the years, our journal has published monographic issues on Hegel (Paths in practical philosophy), Marx (Capitalistic nomos and the critique to political economy), as well as address discussions and analysis on work, philosophy of history and imagination. In general, our attention focused on contemporary issues analysed in the light of the Hegelian-Marxist heritage (School of Frankfurt, post structuralism and hermeneutics). Moreover, each issue includes unpublished contributions, translations of original texts and new editions of relevant philosophical essays.
From 2016 on, in the light of an adaptation to the international parameters of evaluation, the journal, together with the publisher Stamen, starts a new course. In addition to a general renovation of the scientific board and an opening to new collaborations, Pólemos is committed to publish two issues per year, includes a site in English and Italian, and introduces a system of call for papers and peer review. From 2020 on, the journal is published by Donzelli Editore and managed by Pólemos – Associazione di Studi Filosofici.
Scientific Editorial Board
Massimo Adinolfi, Emmanuel Alloa, Christoph Asmuth, Gabriella Baptist, Massimiliano Biscuso, Iain Chambers, Luciano De Fiore, Anne Eusterschulte, Luca Illetterati, Marco Ivaldo, Rahel Jaeggi, Jean-François Kervégan, Gaetano Lettieri, Fiorinda Li Vigni, Francesca Menegoni, Sandro Mezzadra, Pietro Montani, Stefano Petrucciani, Mario Pezzella, Edmundo Balsemão Pires, Geminello Preterossi, Ives Radrizzani, Emmanuel Renault, Alexander Schnell, Tamara Tagliacozzo, Davide Tarizzo, Elena Tavani, Pina Totaro, Pierluigi Valenza, Paolo Vinci (editor-in-chief).
Editorial Board
Guelfo Carbone, Eleonora Cugini, Fulvia Giachetti, Fabio Gianfrancesco, Jamila Mascat, Tommaso Morawski, Sabina Tortorella.
Editorial Assistants
Michele Capasso, Valeria Cesaroni, Andrea D’Ammando, Giulia Dettori, Flavio Luzi, Carlo Marino, Emanuele E. Pelilli, Giuliana Scotto.